Sunday, October 28, 2012

Xylophone from beyond the looking glass

As you press the keys from left to right, the notes go *down* the scale. I wonder how many budding Rachmaninov's it managed to destroy... 

Elctronic Communication

It's communication Jim, but not as we know it...

The new generation of yobs

Every week he parks in the same place - across 2 spaces. I walked past him once, sitting in the car, smoking, music blasting out the open windows. He sneered at me, giving me one of those "Wot you lookin at?" expressions. Get this - he works at Tesco's customer service counter.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Amazon can't convert more than 1% from my links... so they blame me and cut me off. Yeah right.

From Amazon:


The traffic you have recently referred converted at a rate of less than 1% - which leads us to believe that you are artificially generating sessions on the Amazon site and not actively referring users to the same. Since according to section 27 of the EU Associates Programme Participation Requirements a conversion rate of less than one percent by itself is a violation of the Operating Agreement, we have the right to terminate the agreement immediately.  You can find the complete text of the Associates Program Operating Agreement, including Participation Requirements, via this link:

We hereby terminate the EU Associates Programme Operating Agreement with immediate effect. As a consequence, we will close your account and insist that you remove all Amazon content from your site(s) immediately.  Moreover, because you are using the Associates Program in ways in which it was never intended, you will not receive further payment. Any other accounts you may have or may open in the future may be closed and advertising fees withheld.

Warmest regards,

Your feedback is helping us build Earths Most Customer-Centric Company.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Parking Fail!

Altogether now...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Parking Fail!

Yeah, why not park with your trailer so no one can get past you...